Thesis project, 2020-2021

I achieve the quietest forms through slip casting, a process that requires time and patience. My pieces are cast exceptionally thin and lightweight, using porcelain to emphasize a feeling of intense fragility. I seek to develop work that speaks both as a single form and in a group setting. I highlight the porcelain through subtle glazes, achieving a sense of elegant, clean silhouettes when the pieces unite. With elegant forms, subtle surfaces and fine construction I create a peaceful, meditative experience that can slow down time in our fast-paced existence.

Aroma therapy

During my formative years, my sister would always use lavender oil to help her improve the quality of the sleep. This little routine of aroma practice and the meditative exprience is so significant in my memory. I am very sensitive to scents, it is a sensual experience that can easily connect to my brain and affects my mood.

Aromatherapy is a practice that uses extracted essence from plants to achieve a spiritual and physical experience to promote mental and physical health. I am very interested in learning about the essence (plants) and what experience it'd bring me. 
Diffuser works as a tool for distributing essential oils into the air. It creates an aroma that is as sensual as working with clay, which is calming and meditative to me. 

My deisgns are often inspired by the two families of shapes; ‘discontinuity is expressed by an angle and all polygonal forms ---- while the circle and all curved lines and surfaces represent the continuous.’,says Paul Jacques Grillo. I am interested in playing with the relationship of the two families of shapes, to create something minimal while not simple. I aim for my objects to be able to shine on their own, and also be able to work in a group as multiples. The continuity and discontinuity as design elements tends to harmonize my objects into a collection.

Digital tools

Physical and digital prototyping helps me with visualize the form of an object, its also an important step before making the mold for slip-casting. To create the prototype, I like to work with clay, wood, industrial foam. If needed, I would also work with 3d printing. Brooks Oliver is a ceramics artist who specializes in slip casting, he refers to the 3d printer as a tool that can easily help create any form based on a computer program, as well as revisiting a form, making adjustments on shape, and scale through the process.